15 NOV 2011 Artika Shah
Article from Stock Market Digital
If you are planning for your retirement it's important that you start early. Stock Market Digital tells you how to begin planning for retirement.
The financial security in retirement involves planning, commitment and money. Retirement planning can begin at any age.
Everyone aims to have a comfortable retirement but without enough planning it will not be possible. It is very important and necessary to plan your retirement as soon as you are economically independent.
This will help you to maintain a comfortable standard of living when you are no longer earning. With the rising cost of living, one needs a comprehensive retirement plan, which includes long-term growth oriented investment linked insurance products.
Steps to take to plan your retirement
1. Start investing early
It is said you should not delay in planning for your retirement and the earlier the better. For instance, if you start saving for retirement at 25, you have an investment horizon of 35 years if you wish to retire at 60. The delay in planning retirement will cut down your investment horizon considerably.
2. Investing in debt instruments
Another alternative for retirement planning is to invest in good debt instruments like voluntary providend funds, public providend funds, fix deposits and bonds which are issued by well-established financial institutions. This will help you to diversify your retirement portfolio and reduce your risk to a large extent.
3. Look for new investment opportunities
As building a good corpus for retirement plan is the main objective of the company, one should be on the constant look out for new and better opportunities for investment. There are a lot of investment opportunities coming up and you can choose a few of them which you feel would be appropriate for your retirement.
4. Investing in gold
Investing in gold has been a good option and it has gained the trust and confidence of investors for a long time. Looking to the rising trends of gold market these days, there is still much scope for even higher returns and it would be wise to invest in gold ETFs than gold ornaments when you plan for your retirement.
5. Plan for long-term healthcare
While you are healthy, investigate long-term care insurance. Many alternatives are available, and a professional long-term care provider can provide you with the appropriate suggestions.
6. Buy a house of your own
It is important to buy a house of your own when you are planning for retirement. If you own a house, it will serve as a source for cash flow when you have no other source of income from salary or business. This is known as reverse mortgage. Thus, buying a house can save you from a dilemma after your retirement.
Thus, retirement plans can ensure economic independence for you and your family even as you enjoy a peaceful retired life.
Article from Stock Market Digital